A still camera is "un appareil photo" (masc.), galaxy a60 specs a video camera is "une caméra" (fem.) in French.
How do you say camera in french?un appareil-photo
How oppo antutu score do you say ultra violet camera in French?une caméra ultra-violet
How do you say where is the nearest camera store in French?où est le magasin le plus proche caméra
What is french word for galaxy m20 specs camera?Appareil photo
Who invented the waterproof camera?The first underwater camera was invented by French scientist Louis Boutan. The first published photograph taken with this camera was made in 1893.
How do you spell camera in french?un appareil-photo
Who stole the the camera in poptropica?Some french lady
How do you say still camera in Hebrew?still camera = matslemá (מצלמ×")
How do you use Nintendo DSi camera?go to the camera, press "camera" and it'll say start and just click that and you can take pics!
What does this mean in French mis ta cam?"mis ta cam" means "put your (video) camera (on)" in French.
How do say 'she' in French?In French, to say 'she' , you say: Elle eg. elle s'appelle comment? In French, to say 'he', you say: Il
Where was the camera invented?Not in Paris, France. (Niepce was working in a town miles south of Paris, about 150 miles in fact) The first permanent photograph was made in 1814 by Joseph - Nicéphore niépce using a sliding wooden box camera made by Charles and Vincent Chevalier. As another FAQ Farmer put it: The first camera was invented in St-Loup-de-Varennes, France by Joseph Niepce, a retired french army officer. John Strognofe invented the first camera. Is that true...
How do you say How do you say Hello in French?Hello in French is Bonjour Hi in French is Salut How are you is Ça va Bye in French is Au revoir To say "How do you say Hello?" in French, you would say "Comment dit-on bonjour?"
If you open the camera in your N73 mobile it say hardware failure restart camera?You should get Nokia Master software and restart camera. i should how
What was the first camera ever made?The first camera ever made was called a daguerreotype and was made in 1839 by a french man, Louis Daguerre.
How do you say 'say' in french?to say is the verb 'dire' in French.
How do you say I hate French in French?Je déteste le français. To say "I hate French" (as in the French language) in French, you would say, "Je déteste le français." If you want to say "I hate the French" (as in the French people), you would say instead, "Je déteste les français."
How do you say meatballs in french?to say meatballs in french you say: boulettes
How do you say the word say in french?The verb 'to say' is 'dire' in French.
How do you say 'worker' in French?In order to say worker in French, you would say, travailleur. If you wanted to say boss in French you would say, patron.
Where do you buy a charger for your digital camera?Depends on what brand your camera is. I say go back to the store where you got your camera and ask them if they sell spare chargers, chances are is that they do.
How do you say zooplankton in french?In French, you say "zooplancton".
How do you say Alyssa in french?How do you say alyssa in french
How do you say captain in French?In french you say Capitaine
How do you say cheeto's is french?how to you say cheetos in french
How do you say after school in french?How do you say afterschool in French
How do you say 590 in French?How do you say 593,493,794 in french.
How do you say we will in French?You say we will in french like this........ Nous
How do you say Sheila in french?this is how you say it in french Sheila
How do we say Nepal in french?How do you say nepal in french
How do you say camera phobia?Eh, Cameraphobia.
How do you say Ouch in French?to say ouch in french u say aie.
How do you say Japan Airlines in French?the French say 'Japan Airlines' - they do not translate that in French.
Who invented the first simple camera?The camera was invented by Alexander S. Wolcott, but the earliest surviving photograph was made by the french inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
How do you say camera in German?camera = Kamera (for both making videos and photos) or Fotoapparat (for making photos only)
Who do you say camera in Japanese?The Japanese equivalent of 'camera' is カメラ (kamera) which is pronounced like 'ka-meh-rah'.
How do you respond to the french language?If you are trying to say "i don't speak french" in french, you say "Je ne parle pas francais." if you are trying to say "we don't speak french" in french, you say "Nous ne parlons pas francais."
How do you say my French is bad in French?To say that your French is bad in French, you simply just say, Je parle mal français. In another case, if your French is very bad, you would say, Je parle très mal français.
Is there a horizontal to vertical camera converter for a camera view finder or lcd screen?it depends on the make and model of your camera. if it could it would most likely say it in the manual
How do you say soccer in French?You say "le foot". that is how you say "soccer" in French. -kfugate01
How do you say look out in in french?To warn someone, or say "look out!" in French, say Attention!
How do you say how are you in French informally?To say "how are you" in French informally you simply say: Ca va?
How do you say lay eggs in French?To say "Lay eggs" in French you say "Pondre"
How do you say I will say in French?"I will say" in French is Je dirai or Je vais dire.
How do you say are you comfortable in french?To say "are you comfortable?" in french say: "êtes-vous confortable?".
How do say what time is it in french?To say what times it in french, you say " houte I'll seche".
How do you say album in french?You also say 'album' in French.
How do you say it is in French?It is = C'est (pronounced say) "It is" is " c'est " in French.
How do you say fat in french?grosse is how you say fat in french
How do you say after in French?Answer The answer you are looking for is après How do you say after in FRENCH? après
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